Gap Framework - Natural Language Processing for PDF/TIFF/Image Documents


High Precision Natural Language Processing
Technical Specification, Gap v0.9.2

1 Words

1.1 Words Overview

The words NLP preprocessor contains the following primary classes, and their relationships:

  • Words - This is the base class for the representation of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) preprocessed list of words. The constructor optionally takes as parameters the raw text to tokenize and flags for NLP preprocessing the text.
words = Words("some text", flags …)

The constructor calls the private methods _split(), _preprocess(), _stem(), _stopwords(), _conversion() and _partsofspeech().

  • Word – A single NLP preprocessed word (token).

  • Vocabulary – A performance optimized python dictionary for word classification and lemmatizing.


Fig. 1a High Level view of Words Class Object Relationships

1.2 Words Initializer (Constructor)


Words( text, flags … )


text: A Unicode string of text.

flags: Zero or more keyword parameters.

bare: Tokenize only True - do not preprocess.

punct: Keep/classify True or remove False punctuation.

stopwords: Keep True all stop words or remove False. If True, it supersedes all other flags. If False, other flags may be used to include specific categories. The stop words are a superset of the Porter list.

stem: Value indicating which stemmer to use:
- builtin: gap
- NLTK: porter, snowball, lancaster or the WordLemmatizer: lemma

pos: Annotate True or not annotate False NLP preprocessed tokens with parts of speech using NLTK pos_tag().

spell: Spell check and replace misspelled words using the Norvig speller. The parameter may be set to one of en (English), es (Spanish), fr (French), de (German) or it (Italian).

roman: Romanize True or not Romanize False latin-1 encodings of NLP preprocessed tokens into ASCII encoding.

number: Keep/classify True or remove False numerical numbers. Ex.

1 / 4.5 / 1,000 / three

unit: Keep/classify True or remove False units of measurement. Ex.

inches / ft / cm  
height / width / weight / ht / wt  
temperature / °F / °C

quantifier: Keep/classify True size specifying words or to remove False. Ex.

all / any / more

preposition: Keep/classify True preposition words or to remove False. Ex.

to / from / above

conjunction: Keep/classify True conjunction words or to remove False. Ex.

and / or / but

article: keep/classify True article words or to remove False. Ex.

a / an / the

demonstrative: Keep/classify True article words or to remove False. Ex.

this / that / these

question: Keep/classify True question words or to remove False. Ex.

who / want / how

pronoun: Keep/classify True pronoun words or to remove False. Ex.

he / she / them

date: Keep/classify/reduce True dates or to remove False. Ex.

Jan. 1, 2000 / 01/01/2000 / 2000-01-01

dob: Keep/classify/reduce True date of births or to remove False. Ex.

DOB: Jan 1, 2000 / date of birth is 01-02-2012

ssn: Keep/classify True social security numbers or to remove False. Ex.

123-84-1234 / 123 84 1234

telephone: Keep/classify True telephone numbers or to remove False. Ex.

(360) 123-1234 / +13601231234

name: Keep/classify True telephone numbers or to remove False. Ex.

Albert Einstein / Donald J. Trump

address: Keep/classify/reduce street address or to remove False. Ex.

124 NE 34th Cir, Home Town, AZ, 99123

gender: Keep/classify True gender specifying words or remove False. Ex.

male / man / gal / mom

sentiment: Keep/classify/reduce True sentiment word sequences or remove False. Ex.

not bad / disgusting


A TypeError is raised if the parameter is not the expected type.

1.3 Words Properties

1.3.1 text


# Getter
text = images.text

# Setter
images.text = text  


When used as a getter the property returns the original text.
When used as a setter the property re-preprocesses the text into machine learning ready data.


A TypeError is raised if the parameter is not the expected type.

1.3.2 bare


# Getter
tokens = images.bare


When used as a getter the property returns the NLP tokenized list unprocessed. All punctuation, words, capitalization and diacritic characters and script are preserved. The tokenized list is in a dictionary format of the form:

[ { 'word': word1, 'tag': tag }, {'word': word2, 'tag': tag } … ]

Except for numbers and acronyms, the tag values are set to untagged (0).

1.3.3 words


# Getter
words = images.words


When used as a getter the property returns the NLP tokenized list according to the specified parameters. The tokenized list is in dictionary format of the form, when the parameter pos is False:

[ { 'word': word1, 'tag': tag }, {'word': word2, 'tag': tag } … ]

Otherwise, when the pos parameter is set to True:

[ { 'word': word1, 'tag': tag, 'pos': POS }, {'word': word2, 'tag': tag, 'pos': POS } … ]

1.3.4 bagOfWords


# Getter
bag = images.bagOfWords


When used as a getter the property returns the word sequence as a Bag of Words, represented as a unordered dictionary, where the key is the word and the value is the number of occurrences:

{ '<word'> : <no. of occurrences>, … }

1.3.5 freqDist


# Getter
freq = images.freqDist


When used as a getter the property returns the sorted tuples of a frequency distribution of words (from property BagOfWords), in descending order (i.e., highest first)

[ ( '<word'>: <no.  of occurrences> ), … ]

1.3.5 termFreq


# Getter
tf = images.termFreq


When used as a getter the property returns the sorted tuples of a term frequency distribution (i.e., percent that term occurs), in descending order (i.e., highest first)

[ ( '<word'>: <percentage  of occurrences> ), … ]

1.3.6 Static Variables

The Words class contains the following static variables:

  • DECIMAL – The decimal point (US Standard: period , EU: comma)
  • THOUSANDS – The thousandths unit separator (US Standard comma , EU period)

1.4 Words Overridden Operators

1.4.1 len()


nwords = len(words)


The len() (__len__) operator is overridden to return the number of NLP tokenized words.

1.4.2 +=


words += text


The += (__iadd__) method is overridden to add words to the sequenced word list (append).

1.5 Words Private Methods

The Words class contains the following private methods, which are called by the initializer:

  • _split() – This method performs the first phase of NLP preprocessing of the raw text into a sequenced list of words (bare processing mode).
    • Contractions are expanded (e.g., can't => can not).
    • Newlines, carriage returns and tabs removed.
    • Duplicated whitespace is removed.
    • Text is split into words and punctuation.
    • Punctuation is removed (except in numerical and date representations when property number and/or date and/or dob is True).

  • _preprocess() - This method performs the second of NLP preprocessing of the 'bare' tokenized words.
    • Identify acronyms.
    • Identify proper names.
    • Words are lowercased.
    • Optionally words are Romanized, if roman attribute is set to True.

  • _stem() – This method performs the third phase of NLP preprocessing of the tokenized words by removing word endings and reducing word to its root stem (e.g., rider -> ride).
    • Remove plural endings (e.g., flies -> fly).
    • Remove past tense endings (e.g., baked -> bake).
    • Remove present participle endings (e.g., eating -> eat).
    • Remove verb to noun and comparative endings (e.g., rider -> ride, taller-> tall).
    • Remove noun to verb endings (e.g., flatten -> flat).
    • Remove adjective to adverb endings (e.g, costly -> cost).
    • Remove superlative endings (e.g., greatest -> great).
    • Spell check/replacement (according to the specified language), if enabled, occurs prior to stemming.

  • _nltkStem() – This method uses the open source NLTK stemmer methods to perform the third phase of NLP preprocessing of the tokenized words, as an alternative to the internal stemmer (i.e. stem)). The Porter, Snowball, Lancaster and WordNetLemmatizer are selectable.

  • _stopwords() – This method performs the fourth phase of NLP preprocessing of the tokenized words by removing/keeping stop words.

    • Remove word (including infinity) and numeric representations of numbers, unless property number is True, then all numbers are retained.
      • If retained, EU decimal and thousandths unit separators converted to US standard.
      • +/- signs preserved.
      • Thousandths unit separator removed.
      • Hex numbers (starting with 0x prefix) are converted to integer value.
      • Text represented numbers (e.g., ten) are converted to integer value.
      • Text represented numeric ordering (e.g., 1st) are converted to integer value.
      • Fractions are converted to floating point value.

    • Remove units of measurement, unless property unit is True.
      • US Standard and Metric, including abbreviations, are recognized.
      • US and EU spelling of metric units are recognized.

    • Remove dates, unless property date is True.
    • Remove date of birth, unless property dob is True.
    • Remove USA social security numbers, unless property ssn is True, where the SSN number is converted to a 9 digit value.
    • Remove USA/CA telephone numbers, unless property telephone is True, where the telephone number is converted to a 10 digit number.
    • Remove USA/CA addresses, unless property address is True, where addresses are converted to the USPO addressing standard.
    • Remove gender indicating words (e.g., man) – inclusive of transgender, unless property telephone is True.
    • Remove proper names and titles (e.g., Dr.), unless property name is True.
    • Remove quantifier indicating words (e.g., all, any), unless property quantifier is True.
    • Remove prepositions (e.g., above, under), unless property preposition is True.
    • Remove conjunctions (e.g., and, or), unless property conjunction is True.
    • Remove articles (e.g., a, an), unless property article is True.
    • Remove demonstratives (e.g., this, that), unless property demonstrative is True.
    • Remove pronouns (e.g., his, her), unless property pronoun is True.
    • Remove question words (e.g., what, why), unless property question is True.
    • Remove common high frequency words i.e., Porter List).
    • Remove sentiment sequence (e.g., good, bad), unless sentiment property is True.
      • Sequence (e.g., not bad) replaced with "positive" or "negative".

    • Remove punctuation and symbols, unless punct property is True.

  • _isdate() – This method is a support method for _stopwords(). It will recognize date strings and convert them to ISO 8601 format. The following formats are recognized:
Month Day, Year (e.g., January 6, 2016)
Abbr-Month Day, Year (e.g., Jan 6, 2016 and Jan. 6, 2016)

If the preceding word is birth or DOB, then the date will be tagged as a date of birth (vs. date).

  • _isnumber() - This method is a support method for _stopwords(). It will recognize numerical sequences and convert them to decimal base 10 format. The following formats are recognized.
Base 10 integer, floating point, exponent, fraction
Base 16 hex integers
  • _isSSN() - This method is a support method for _stopwords(). It will recognize USA Social Security numbers. The following formats are recognized:
    • Prefixed with SSN or Soc. Sec. No. or Social Security Number
    • Number Format:
12-123-1234 / 12 123 1234 / 121231234
  • _isTele() - This method is a support method for _stopwords(). It will recognize USA/CA Telephone numbers. The following formats are recognized:
    • Prefixed with Tele, Phone, Mobile, Office, etc, optionally followed by Number, Num, No, #.
    • Number Format:
1231231234 / 123 123 1234 / 123-123-123 / (360) 123-1234 / …
  • _isAddr() – This method is a support method for _stopwords(). It will recognize USA/CA postal addresses. The following formats are recognized:
[POB[,]] Street-Number [Street-Direction] Street-Name [Street-Type] [Street-Direction] [,] [POB[,]] [Secondary-Address[,]][City[,]State]
POB[,] City State
  • _streetnum() – This method supports the _isAddr() method in recognizing street numbers. The following formats are recognized:
Ex. N1300 / 123-33 / 33A / 33
  • _streetdir() – This method supports the _isAddr() method in recognizing directional phrases. The following formats are recognized:
  • _citystate() – This method supports the _isAddr() method in recognizing city/state references in a postal address. The following formats are recognized:
# USA and Canadian state names are replaced with their ISO 3166-2 codes (e.g., Alabama => ISO3166-2:US-AL).
  • _pob() – This method supports the _isAddr() method in recognizing USA and Canadian Post Office Boxes and Private Mail Boxes in street addresses. The following formats are recognized:
( P.O.B | POB | P.O. Box | P.O. | PO ) digits [ (STN | RPO) words ]
( P.M.B | PMB | P.M. Box ) digits
  • _streetaddr2() – This method supports the _isAddr() method in recognizing secondary address components in street addresses. The following formats are recognized:
  • _postalcode() – This method supports the _isAddr method() in recognizing USA and Canadian postal codes. The following formats are recognized:
5digits[-4digits]           # USA
[3letters][sp][3letters]    # Canada
  • _isGender() – This method supports gender recognition in stopwords. It recognizes phrases:
(Sex|Gender)[:] (M|F|Male|Female)
  • _conversion() – This method performs the fifth phase of NLP preprocessing of the tokenized words of converting Standard to Metric (standard=True) and vice-versa (metric=True).

  • _partsofspeech() – This method performs the sixth phase of NLP preprocessing of the tokenized words of tagging words with their parts of speech tag (using NLTK).

1.5 Words Public Methods

The Words class contains no public methods.


Pre-Gap (Epipog) v1.1
+ Refactored Stopword Removal for Parts of Speech, Numbers and Dates.
+ Added Vocabulary class and Lemmatizing.
+ Added support for Date of Birth.
+ Added support for recognizing word version of numbers.
+ Fixed handling of Hex numbers.

Pre-Gap (Epipog) v1.2
+ Added support for Social Security Numbers.
+ Added support for Telephone Numbers.
+ Added support for Proper Names.
+ Fix not recognizing Acronym if first word.
+ Refactored tokenization and added bare mode.

Pre-Gap (Epipog) v1.3
+ Added support for Spanish punctuation: ¿¡
+ Added support for numeric multipliers (e.g., 10 million).
+ Added support for unit of measurements.
+ Added conversion of unit of measurements between Standard and Metric.
+ Added support for Sex/Gender[:] M/F.
+ Added support for USA street addresses.
+ Fix not recognizing single letter abbreviations.
+ Fixed not recognizing title (name) proceeded by a comma.
+ Fixed not recognizing number followed by unit of measurement when combined (e.g., 2cm).

Pre-Gap (Epipog) v1.4
+ Added NLTK options for stemming, lemmatization and parts of speech.
+ Change outputting of US State names to ISO 3166-2 standard.
+ Added support for PMB in postal address.
+ Added is/of separator between key and value (e.g., SSN is XXX-XX-XXXX).
+ Added support for Canadian Street/Postal addresses.
+ Added support for Romanizing latin-1 character encodings into ASCII.
+ Added support for measurements.

Pre-Gap (Epipog) v1.5
+ Added Bag of Words, Word Frequency Distribution and Term Frequency (TF)

Gap v0.9.1 (alpha)
+ Rewrote Specification.
+ Added spell check/replacement.
+ Added UK to US spelling correction.

Gap v0.9.2 (alpha)
+ Extend Spell Checking to Spanish, French, German and Italian.

APPENDIX II: Anticipated Engineering

The following has been identified as enhancement/issues to be addressed in subsequent update:

  1. Support for detecting Abbreviations.
  2. Support for email addresses.
  3. Add support for mail stop Secondary Street Address components.
  4. Add support for Currency.
  5. Add and annotation.
  6. Fix lose next word after street/postal address.

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